
> >>That's the situation.
> >>Any ideas for a starting point for debugging?
> >
> >
> >Good, it sounds similar to the problem what i had with Theme Hospital.
> >Try this patch:
> >
> >
> >
> GREAT! That did it! Thanks!
> Keeper is playable now, only the two mousepointers are very
> irritating, and I gotta get the sound going ;-)
> Will this patch go into the CVS or is it some kind of hack?

I think that it will be not going to cvs soon :(. It has 2 patches in
one. The first is from Alex Pasadyn, and it is related to resolution
change. The second is mine, and simply reset the clip cursor values
when the resolution is changed (it is what fixes the problem in
theme hospital and dungeon keeper). (checked in windows with a testcase :)
Alex needs to do some changes in his patch, for that it will get in
the cvs.


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