Hi Francois,

> > Winefile was always UNICODE/ANSI-capable by using TCHAR, TEXT(),
> > and the right functions. Currently ReactOS is using the UNCODE version,
> > and Wine is using the ANSI version. Both without problems.

> I think it's wrong that Wine's winefile is ANSI: doesn't that mean we'll 
> have trouble displaying filenames in some cases?

Some very rare cases - yes may be.
Does the Wine implementation deliver UNICODE file names anyhow?
UNICODE filenames are mostly only present when using a NTFS drive.

Well, changing Wine's winefile to UNICODE is not as easy as in ReactOS:

- First the problem of TEXT() string constants. They would have to
converted to the (IMHO) ugly "WCHAR str = {...}" constants.

- Winefile also reads Unix directories using readdir().
Is there a UNICODE version of this function, or would you have to
use some UTF-8 conversion?

OK, this little problems can all be solved, if you want to switch to a
UNICODE winefile.



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