On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Robert Shearman wrote:

> Walt Ogburn wrote:
> >...
> >2. Call GetTypeInfo to get an ITypeInfo, and call DispGetIDsOfNames on
> >that.  I think this means that the information should be extracted from
> >stdole32.tlb.  Currently this doesn't find any match for these property
> >names.  Do they need to be added to stdole32.tlb somehow?
> >
> Yes, the typelib approach is the correct one. You need to use
> stdole2.tlb instead of stdole32.tlb though.

Right, thanks.  I think that means that OLEFontImpl_GetTypeInfo needs
to get IFontDisp from stdole2.tlb instead of IDispatch from stdole32.tlb.
That way, you can use GetTypeInfo and DispGetIDsOfNames together to
implement GetIDsOfNames.  I'll submit some tests and proposed patches

- Walter

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