Lionel Ulmer wrote:
> OK, here is my wish list from the guys:

I have updated my presentation to add some of these
items to a separate slide, and added Dmitry's
comment about the > 32767 bug.  (Lionel, let
me know if the meat of your presentation was
powerpointed to death or not).

Most other comments didn't prompt me to make a
change, or were more related to presentation
strategy.  I tried to add such comments
as notes to the presentation, but not to
the slides.

Candidly, I think we may not get a particularly
long time window - there are a *lot* of
competing interests coming to this meeting,
so I suspect no one .org is going to get
much attention.

This makes the presentation a bit more relevant,
as it may be that folks are expected to review
this brief prior to the meeting, in lieu
of a more formal project introduction.

An updated version is here:
access key of

Further comments are much appreciated; I'm going
to relay this to the working group shortly.



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