On 2/4/06, Joris Huizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

I have this question: I have a game called "Knights and Merchants" which
  I sometimes play; I find it deadlocks each time after playing for an
hour or so
it seems it isn't a complete deadlock, sometimes some of sound comes
through between intervals of minutes or so; harddisk activity seems
extreme - the light is burning constantly.
I then usually decide to kill the program; as it opens fullscreen I
can't get to the xterm that launched it, so I try to get to a console;
The system is so slow that it takes some time to get to a console
<ctrl-alt-f1>, and login in may time out a few times before finaly
getting in (the cure to that one is simple: login before starting the
game...) - then it takes another minute or so to run ps and kill the
wine process

is there a way to find what is causing the deadlock? I can log the
output wine gives using `script`, but as deadlocks only occur after a
lot of time running the game with lots of logging active would be a pain

will log the output at least next time I play; for now, has somebody
ideas how to log without getting major slowdown (otherwise there's no
playing in it)?



This really sounds like a memory leak to me. Usually I'd use valgrind (http://valgrind.org/) to find memory leaks and such. Valgrind 3.1.0 works with wine, but it produces alot of output you'd have to look through and the program will run insanely slow. It might be worth a try.

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