Gee sounds like a "great" idea. We all waiting too see some patches...

It sure would be cool to have:
- Multiuser Wine
- Wine stable enough to run as service (err hmm whatever the hell that means...
  ah you mean daemon ?)
- Run something more complicated then 'printf("hello world\n");' without X
- Talk to WMs to show icons and ask questions.

Chris if you think that autostart is such a great idea - you are very welcome to start sending patches in. And if they are reasonable enough they might get in. But if you want to rant about that Linux doesn't have some absolutely required
"feature" that windows has - this not the right place.


Um hold on a second. Clearly many developers have different ideas about what's reasonable. It makes sense to obtain a semblance of unanimity and mutual understanding before taking action. You shouldn't go around quashing discussions like that.


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