Alexandr Kochmin wrote:
DK> Kochmin wrote:
DK>> I have windows application wich use OLE Automatization to fill-in
DK>> OpenOffice document It's create OleObject like
DK>> OpenOffice := CreateOleObject('');
DK>> ..
DK>> How can I rewrite it, or use any tools, to work when OpenOffice is
DK>> installed on Linux, and my application runs in wine?
DK> Try installing the Windows version of OpenOffice in Wine.
DK> - Dan

Thanks, but I know this way.
Also I think to have 2 copy of Open Office: one in Linux other in wine is not so good.
May be there is another way to use OpenOffice in wine?

You think that they're the same, but they're not. The two versions of OpenOffice for two different platforms have different features - the Win32 one is the only one with OLE Automation support.

Rob Shearman

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