
I am not quite sure I understand what you mean? CreateTimerQueueTimer
should return a Boolean indicating whether the operation has
succeeded. Checking the return value in a ternary operation should
return the correct handle if CreateTimerQueueTimer succeeds and NULL
otherwise. Unless I have misunderstood the msdn documentation?


On 5/21/07, Dmitry Timoshkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Nigel Liang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> +HANDLE WINAPI SHSetTimerQueueTimer(HANDLE hQueue,
> +        WAITORTIMERCALLBACK pfnCallback, LPVOID pContext, DWORD dwDueTime,
> +        DWORD dwPeriod, LPCSTR lpszLibrary, DWORD dwFlags)
> +{
> +    return CreateTimerQueueTimer(&hNewTimer, hQueue, pfnCallback, pContext,
> +        dwDueTime, dwPeriod, dwFlags)?hNewTimer:NULL;

This can't work: CreateTimerQueueTimer and SHSetTimerQueueTimer
return different things.


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