On 11/5/07, Marcel Partap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If people really are expected to know everything there is to know
> > before they try to help, is it really such a wonder that there's only
> > a few solid contributors left, and they're stressed from it?
> Absolutly not. That's why imho, the #winehq should be taken off the homepage. 
> The newly created wine-forum.org has
> multiple advantages over an IRC chan:
> - frequently asked questions can be easily found avoiding duplicates (this 
> depends on good moderation of forum hierarchy
> though, probably an approval queue)
> - people having questions actually have to THINK before asking, instead of 
> just opening up IRC and start bubbling
> - of course moderators have more time to THINK before actually replying, too
> - rules for civil communication and about form of inquiries can more easily 
> be enforced
> (Just thinking about it, the Drupal issue system has some nice features too, 
> f.e. attribute fields for each post like
> status, version, type of request and so on)
> Of course this would need active forum herdsmen.. but it is probably less 
> dissatisfying than directly confronting the
> totally clueless in realtime.. and I for one would definitly volunteer 
> (although I have just started coding WINE) as a
> moderator.. the more the better though.. Mr Wickline, what's your take on 
> that?

Hello Marcel,

Everyone is welcome to register and use the forum, any Wine developer
or advanced user who wants Moderator status on the forum only needs to
send me a mail and ill set it up. I can set Moderator status on a per
forum basis. So be sure to let me know what forums your interested in
helping out in.



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