On Monday 19 November 2007 03:55:20 Steven Edwards wrote:

> The headers are not an issue because we use the Wine headers and
> import libraries for the dlls. The only place there is a problem is
> with wine/programs and the regression tests. They use the native
> import libraries. I don't really understand Alexandre's reasoning on
> this as myself and Dmitry have both sent patches in to correct this
> issue and his answer has always been that we should fix mingw w32api.
> Wine always tends to break when cross-compiling because of this. If we
> always defaulted to using the Wine headers and Import libs there never
> would be a problem in that regards.

I recall Alexandre saying that he wants the exposure to alternative headers
and import libraries because it brings up bugs in Wine. He also suggested
that the wininet/winsock issue could be solved by making wininet build
against either Windows sockets or Unix sockets.

Here's a historical thread on this issue:



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