There are two main issues I would like to address.

1) Normally the current #winehq OPs to a great job, but they are only human
and only have so many waking hours.  I noticed recently that it took a
little longer than normal for #winehq's topic to be updated to the latest
release.  I would like to ask for some basic OP rights to update the topic
when the regular OPs are unable to, due to real life.  Who is in charge of
this sort of thing?

2) Rules.  Should we provide a set of rules for #winehq use?  For general
Wine-based channel use?  (#winehq, #winehq-social, #winehackers,
#crossover)  Perhaps state when people deserve a kick, the purposes of each
channel, etc.  Maybe we should start a wiki page with the information,
rules, etc.?

Andrew Riedi

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