On Dec 31, 2007 6:42 PM, James McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree.  If you cannot find the application or a demo version to work
> with, how can you fix the
> bug.  Logs and other helpers go a long way.  Maybe an intro page as to
> what is needed and how
> to get it.  This will become more and more critical as the project
> approaches 'release' status (1.0).
> Also, marking bugs as having insufficient information to fix advises the
> reporter that the project
> needs more information to help or troubleshoot.

Maybe add a resolution of NEEDMOREINFO?

> This would put a heavy load on the bug admins and actually slow down the
> process.  I work on
> other projects.  Clicking on the "NEW BUG" link should take a person to
> a web page with reporting
> criteria.  At this point, the reporter will read through a page of what
> should be done to report a
> bug.  After clicking a 'I read and understand the reporting
> requirements', then the reporter will be
> able to submit a bug.  After a few cycles of this, regular reporters
> will not be subject to this page and
> will be taken instead to the regular bug reporting page.  For the
> occasional reporter, this is a good way
> to handle bug reports, IMHO.


- Austin

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