On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Benjamin M. Schwartz
>  Hash: SHA1
>  Dear Wine developers,
>  I am attempting to package Wine for OLPC.  My goal is to enable packaging
>  individual windows programs into OLPC "Activity bundles" with wine.  I
>  have encountered a handful of problems along the way.  One of them is bug
>  #12507, for which I have sent a patch.  A few others are:
>  1. Decorations on the Desktop window.
>  I am running in Desktop mode, because this provides the best integration
>  with the OLPC operating system.  However, the desktop window has
>  decorations on it, which I do not want.  I want the desktop to be a
>  fullscreen window.  It seems that recent patches to x11drv may make this
>  possible, but I could find no way in 0.9.59.
>  What should I do to run the Desktop as a full-screen window, or as a
>  normal window without decorations?
>  2. Non-ownership of .wine/
>  The OLPC security system is designed to run each program under a different
>  unix uid, as a form of lightweight sandboxing.  My system is set up to
>  create a .wine/ directory the first time the program is run.  The second
>  time the application is run, it doesn't work because the .wine directory
>  is owned b a different user, so I get "path/.wine is not owned by you".  I
>  have tried doing "chmod a+rwx" to .wine/ on the first run, but Wine still
>  refuses to run, even though it has full access, because it's not the owner.
>  Would you consider patches to exchange the uid check for a rwx access check?

No, that check was added to keep users from running Wine as root.

James Hawkins

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