Am 18.08.2008 um 11:25 schrieb Michael Stefaniuc:

> He [Alexandre] doesn't scale at replying to trivially "wrong"  
> patches but everybody
> can reply to those and actually they should do that.

Unfortunately, a developer can't review his patches himself and if  
the patch reviewing group is to busy to even drop a line "formatted  
wrongly" or "functionality not needed" it's unlikely new developers  
will ever pick up working for Wine. For now I've stopped my work as I  
haven't even an idea wether my patches will be applied some day,  
wether they were considered obsolete (they're small) or wether they  
are considered as wrong in some way. Worsely, there's no obvious way  
to learn how to do better as I followed the patch sending HowTo  
closely already.

I'll try again in a few weeks, as suggested in the HowTo, and clutter  
Alexandre's mailbox even more.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter

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