Henri Verbeet wrote:
> 2008/9/11 Chris Ahrendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Henri Verbeet wrote:
>>> 2008/9/11 Chris Ahrendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> Ok what now.... I did a git to get the latest tree... I generated the
>>>> patch off the latest tree.. and submitted it again... what I am failing.
>>>> so I can fix it =).. the code compiles just fine and runs on my machine
>>>> so not sure...
>>>> chris
>>> The patch is not against current git, it's against an earlier version
>>> of your patch.
>>> More importantly though, the patch is completely unacceptable. You
>>> really need to try to get a better understanding of how D3D vertex
>>> declarations work, and what the different D3DDECLTYPE values mean.
>> Henri,
>> Actually it was based on the current Git tree not a back level.... but will
>> try and do a merge to see if there is an issue...
> Current git:
>  449                     /* The coords to supply depend completely on
> the fvf / vertex shader */
>  450                     switch (coordsToUse) {
>  451                     case 4: q = ptrToCoords[3]; /* drop through */
>  452                     case 3: r = ptrToCoords[2]; /* drop through */
>  453                     case 2: t = ptrToCoords[1]; /* drop through */
>  454                     case 1: s = ptrToCoords[0];
>  455                     }
> Your patch:
>>                     switch (coordsToUse) {
>> -                    case 16:
>> -                    case 15:
>> -                    case 14:
>> +                    case 17:
>>                     case 13:
>> -                    case 12:
> Where do you see those lines you're removing in current git?
>> I disagree on your comment... I am following the MSDN definition of what the
>> function does.  I do know what they mean I have been discussing these with
>> stefan.
> Well, proof me wrong then:
> Did you test on a native Windows system if the code should behave the
> way you think it should? Why are you creating a switch statement based
> on numeric constants instead of the appropriate enum values? Do you
> understand what, for example, D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4N means? What is the
> size of a D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4N element? What is the range of a
> component of a D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4N element? What is the size of a
> float? What is it's range? What are the implications of all that for
> using ptrToCoords, which is a float pointer, for D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4N
> in combination with glMultiTexCoord4fARB(), which expects four
> normalized floating point values? How is all this handled for the
> other attributes, like diffuse, specular, normal and position? How
> does drawStridedSlowVs() handle this? What about
> drawStridedInstanced()?
Because the original code was set up with the numbers originally..
If you look at any of the pre say 1.1.3 code you will see only the
switch code with 4 - 1 in it.. and nothing more...
to get rid of an error I was getting in an application which was sending 
  a 7 for coordstouse which is a valid value (its a 6 the code adds 1 to 
it for some odd reason so I followed the present convention as last time 
I cleaned something up and did it with #defines or moved code I was told 
to leave it as it is if I see it that way).
I know the various types... I put the comment in there and was telling
stefan what they were so I am aware of it... however it does not seem to 
make a difference if its float or short). The values are not normalized 
in the code but by the application and passed into the call.

That I do not know how they are handled in other places...   the code 
was really simple when I started working with it to clear what I 
submitted up...


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