For those of you that don't read wine-users:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BaseHead <>
Date: Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 4:18 AM
Subject: [Wine]  Look for a Wine Expert to Possibly hire....

Hey all!

We make a Sound FX Database Program called BaseHead for windows.

we would love to make it run on OS X and Linux with Wine.
I did already get it up and running via Crossover which I saw is based
on WINE which bought me here.
It runs pretty chunky using Crossover tho.........8(

We are looking to possibly hire someone to make us an all in one
BaseHead/Wine Installer that is optimized to run under OS X and Linux
that is custom for us.

Basically we'd need someone that knows quite a bit about wine to tell
us what will works good and what doesn't and if it's even possible.
AND if we need to change certain coding to make it run better and what
pitfalls to avoid etc....

if anyone one is interested send me an email steve 'AT' baseheadinc 'DOT' com
or go to the site and use the contact forum




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