2009/2/11 Vincent Povirk <madewokherd+8...@gmail.com>:
> How about this:
> If uid = 0, SUDO_USER is set to a valid username, HOME is owned by
> that user, and WINEPREFIX is not set, then refuse to start, printing a
> message explaining the situation.

To abstract what you're saying here, you're suggesting to extend the
wineprefix ownership test to include $HOME when $WINEPREFIX is not set
and $HOME/.wine does not exist?

That doesn't sounds like a bad idea to me. But I'm not so sure about
specifically testing on UID=0 or SUDO_USER.

> Perhaps the message can be something like
> You're running Wine for the first time as root, but your home
> directory belongs to a normal user. Continuing would break Wine for
> that user.
> You probably want to run Wine as a normal user. Wine does not need to
> be root to install or run programs.
> This will stop naive ubuntu users who think they need installers from
> running Wine as root. Someone who has a legitimate need for root can
> get around this by using a configuration that isn't broken.
> Vincent Povirk

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