2009/5/25 Remco <remc...@gmail.com>:
> Oh great, now there is poison on slashdot:
> http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/05/24/2044239
> Let's not fork, shall we?

>From this post:
"The latest attempt of Massimo Del Fedel satisfied all requirements
set previously for the long standing bug 421, and his optional engine
seems to work fine by all Wine quality standards."

The issue is that it doesn't match Wine's quality standards (for architecture).

This Elektroschock guy is hilarious. What post did he use to
demonstrate "the dissatisfaction of core developers with the arbitrary
project governance"?
Chris responding to Max responding to me. Who here is the "core
developer"? Chris doesn't appear in the WhosWho page on the wiki, nor
can I find his name in git log --author. That only leaves Max, who's
best work continues to remain floating on bug page #421 without being

For what it's worth, I agree with Chris. Someone needs to document how
the DIB engine architecture *should* work, and then Massimo and
<insert next guy to pick up DIB engine should Max lose interest> will
know how to proceed. I believe we're closer than we've ever been to
having a fully-working DIB engine, and I'd love to see real effort
made towards getting it upstream.

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