On Mon, 4 Jun 2012, Max TenEyck Woodbury wrote:
> A native MSWindows application that wants .net support would either
> connect to the installed dll that provides the required services or
> install such a dll.  It would know nothing about 'mono'.  It is only
> non-MSWindows platform programs that will try to link to the
> non-MSWinows libraries in 'mono'.
> So an MSWindows executable looking for .net support needs .net support,
> NOT mono.

You obviously have absolutely no idea what the wine-mono package is for. 
You should read up and apologize.

Francois Gouget <fgou...@free.fr>              http://fgouget.free.fr/
                        question = ( to ) ? be : ! be;
                              -- Wm. Shakespeare

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