Alexandre Julliard <> wrote:

> It doesn't work here:
> ../../../tools/runtest -q -P wine -M kernel32.dll -T ../../.. -p 
> comm.c && touch comm.ok
> comm.c:835: Test failed: WriteFile took 1 ms to write 17 Bytes at 150 Baud
> comm.c:848: Test failed: WaitCommEvent failed with a timeout
> comm.c:859: Test failed: WaitCommEvent error 997
> comm.c:860: Test failed: WaitCommEvent: expected EV_TXEMPTY, got 0
> comm.c:865: Test failed: WaitCommEvent used 1000 ms for waiting
> comm.c:1895: Tests skipped: interactive tests (set WINETEST_INTERACTIVE=1)
> make: *** [comm.ok] Error 5

I assume it's a real hardware and not a VM? Is this with a real COM port,
or USB-serial cable? If the latter one what driver is it using?


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