Hi George,

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 3:55 PM, George Stephanos

> I'm proposing my HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT implementation patches for review. Feel
> free to comment.
> So far, I've written code for all functions except for the RegEnum family.
> General description:
> HKCR handles are special. All wine handles have the two lowest bits
> zero'd. HKCR handles are masked. 10b specifically.
> They have their own table separate from the generic handle table.
> An HKCR handle has an HKCU handle and an HKLM handle below it. Access mask
> and a string representing the path are also needed
> since the handle has to attempt to reopen previously failed openings at
> certain stages.
> First patch: specially handles HKCR handles WITHOUT affecting the general
> behavior. The end result is still the exact same. Patch provides a
> foundation for the rest.
> Second patch: added path management
> Third patch: added HKCU
> Here's a quick description of each function:
> create_hkcr_struct: allocates the memory needed for the struct, adds it to
> the table and gives back a pointer to it
> get_hkcr_path: given an HKCR handle and a subkey string, prepares a subkey
> string representing the same subkey rooted at HKLM/HKCU.
> create_hkcr: RegCreateKeyEx
> open_hkcr: RegOpenKeyEx
> resolve_hkcr: checks the HKCR handle, tries to reopen previously failed
> internal handles, gives back HKCU first if available then HKLM
> close_hkcr: deallocates path and struct, removes struct from table.
> http://pastie.org/8314658

a couple bitwise nits in your first patch:

+#define HKCR_MASK 2
+#define IS_HKCR(hk) ((UINT_PTR)hk > 0 && ((UINT_PTR)hk & 3) == HKCR_MASK)

Typically a mask would define all the bits that could be set, and a flag
would be the particular bit you want to test. Something like:
#define HKCR_FLAG 2

Also, in the following expression:
((UINT_PTR)hk > 0 && ((UINT_PTR)hk & 3)

The second can never be true when the first is false, so you can just drop
the first. These suggestions yield:

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