That would be my post from 1/23/07 Here it is again in case you haven't found it yet.

Sam Tetherow
Sandhills Wireless

I've had good luck with Yahoo's Maps service. You have to signup to get an app id. The API is really simple. Here is a modified chunk of code from my Dept of Health and Human Services/Google Map mashup for showing licensed daycare centers in a town.

use LWP::UserAgent;
use XML::Simple;
use CGI::Simple;

my $location="107 W 2nd Street, Valentine, NE 69201";
my $q=new CGI::Simple;
my $safe_loc=$q->url_encode($location);
my $geocode_url="$APP_ID&location=$safe";);
my $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response=$ua->get($geocode_url);
if ($response->is_error) {
die $response->status_line;
my $xml=XMLin($response->content());
print "$xml->{'Result'}->{'Latitude'}, $xml->{'Result'}->{'Longitude'}\n";

Rick Smith wrote:
Someone a bit back shared some code with a list, and I can't for the life of
me find where
I put it, developed some on top of it, and came up with something web based
that was
pretty cool.
hehe. I've got like 7 machines here that I could've picked, and it was a
tiny file... doh!
If had something to do with going to the yahoo developer's network, getting
an ID, and
converting address info into Lat/Long.
Thanks R

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