John Edwards may be the first White House contender to offer up an opinion on the upcoming 700 MHz auction scheduled for later this year at the Federal Communications Commission, and he appears to stand behind the notion of more bidding opportunities for smaller players.

In a letter yesterday to Chairman Kevin Martin, the candidate wrote, "The upcoming 700 MHz spectrum auction presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to shape the next generation of American technology. In recent years, the Internet has grown to touch everything and transform much of what it touches. It's not the answer to everything, but it can powerfully accelerate the best of America. It improves our democracy by making quiet voices loud, improves our economy by making small markets big, and improves opportunity by making unlikely dreams possible.

Calling the spectrum slice "beachfront," Edwards said the 700 MHz band is "particularly well suited to wireless broadband because it has wide coverage and can easily pass through walls." As such, "by setting bid and service rules that unleash the potential of smaller new entrants, you can transform information opportunity for people across America -- rural and urban, wealthy and not," he added. "As much as half of the spectrum should be set aside for wholesalers who can lease access to smaller start-ups, which has the potential to improve service to rural and underserved areas. Additionally, anyone winning rights to this valuable public resource should be required not to discriminate among data and services and to allow any device to be attached to their service. Finally, bidding should be anonymous to avoid collusion and retaliatory bids."

Edwards did not address the contentious issue of a nationwide broadband network set-aside for first responders, but it's interesting that this rather arcane topic - spectrum auctions - may become a plank in a Republican or Democratic platform next year.

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