It looks like we are having an impact in the comments on the Whitespaces
NPRM.  I have reviewed many comments this morning from WISPs, subscribers
and potential subscribers.  We have some members who are going a step beyond
and alerting their subscribers and potential customers to support the WISPA
proposal.  More is needed, keep up the good work.  Below is the email I sent
yesterday with some minor modifications where I removed the term unlicensed
and replaced it with Licensed-Lite.  You can click on the links below to
review comments.


Rick Harnish




Wispa Members and List Users,

Yesterday, WISPA filed our Ex Parte Comments for FCC Docket 04-186,
Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast Bands Additional Spectrum for
unlicensed devices below 900 MHz and in the 3 GHz band.  The submission can
be found here
nt=6520176838> .  Please review our comments first.  Jack Unger, Steve Coran
of Rini/Coran and the entire FCC Committee spent hours lobbying, discussing,
researching and writing these comments which encourage "Licensed-Lite" use
of the TV Whitespaces which will be opened up in Feb. 2009 due to the
Digital TV transition.  We owe all of these people many thanks and it is our
responsibility to support their efforts by submitting our support through
individual comments.

While reviewing the comments on the FCC website this morning, it became
apparent to me that there is stiff competition from the AV industry against
this proposal.  I reviewed nearly 300 comments from people all over the US
in opposition to this FCC proposal.  I did see several which supported the
use of these bands for Wireless Broadband but we are heavily outnumbered.
There are currently over 30,000 comments filed under this docket.  Others
see how important this is, our industry needs to understand it as well.

It is my responsibility to all of the WISP operators to encourage each of
you to file your comments in full support of the WISPA Ex Parte Comments or
at least partial support with clarification if you oppose some part of our
comments.  I will be filing my comments as soon as I finish this email.
This is a huge opportunity for each of us to help educate the FCC
commissioners on the importance of opening up this valuable spectrum to
"Licensed-Lite" operation for wireless broadband.  You can review all
comments at
trieve_list&id_proceeding=04-186> &id_proceeding=04-186.

Please go to the ECFS website
ite+Spaces&Send=Continue>  to file your comments today.  The deadline is
quickly approaching with the FCC Commissioners set to publicize the rules
for these bands on November 4th.  It is essential that you take 5-10 minutes
out of your busy schedule today or tomorrow to write and file your comments.

Rick Harnish





Rick Harnish

General Manager - Midwest Region

Great American Broadband



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