
A very intriguing and creative idea. Looking at those maps makes me appreciate all the work that was done by the early microwave engineers to make all those hops work and keep working...


Brian Webster wrote:
    I've been working on a consolidated map of the fiber available around
the country and was thinking about who would have infrastructure that would
be worth showing. As I was thinking it occurred to me that back in the day
fiber did not exist, Ma Bell did everything on microwave. So I dug around
the internet and found some interesting old maps. One is the old AT&T long
lines microwave network and the other is the old Western Union network.
    If a few WISP's wanted to get together and start rebuilding these paths
from their areas back to a big city, the towers are mostly still in place
and some of them still have the dishes. We know the paths exist (many of
them were 6 GHz) and they are well documented for the original designs on
the net. American Tower owns many of the olds sites now so it should be easy
to lease the space. The paths all terminate in major telecom hubs so it
should be easy to get bandwidth.
    Just thought I would put these out there as food for thought for the
WISP's who are trying to get a lot of bandwidth cheap in rural markets.
Maybe these old networks pass through your area...... Have fun!

Thank You,
Brian Webster

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