Title: [ot] Databases

When we set up our database interface the goal was to be able to support  several databases, MSSQL, Pervasive.SQL, MS-Access, Oracle, Informix etc.
We didn’t supply any triggers or stored proc. But just to name all tables, columns, Pkey, Fkey was a tricky job because they all have their own
rules for reserved names. The connection from the application with ODBC or ADO/OLEDB was the easy part of it.
So migrate from MSSQL to something else can give you naming problems which will end up in editing your application.
If you also use triggers and stored proc. that will also give you problems in converting from transact SQL to something else.
Different databases have separate implementations of joins as well, which can give you application problems.

As you say there are tools that can help, one can be data junction. I haven’t tried it but I hear it’s good, se more at


Today we prefer MSSQL, it cost some money but the best thing with it today (from ver 7) is that you don’t need any dba to handle it.
Online backup, automatically checked integrity and index and scheduled jobs etc. Right set up it works like a charm.
I think Oracle still need a dba to maintain the database. Oracle itself (as I remember ver 8) is one database on one computer. You only add tables to it
that also give you naming problems. There can only be one table named ‘customer’ on one Oracle database. In MSSQL you just create a separate database
on the same computer.

I have just begin looking at MySQL and it seems to be an alternative if you don’t require triggers or stored proc. Most people think it’s free but that’s only
true if your application code is open source else you have to pay for the license. Ok it’s cheep comparing to MSSQL or Oracle.

So if you don’t have any good reason to leave MSSQL, why do it ?


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Wilcox, Jamileh (HSC) [mailto:Jamileh-Wilcox@ouhsc.edu]
Skickat: den 12 augusti 2004 00:10
Witango-Talk: [ot] Databases


We run all of our databases on MS-SQL2000 or MS Access.  (I've been slowly working towards moving all the Access databases to SQL.)

We're considering changing database servers.  Under discussion so far are Oracle and MySQL.  The campus has a site license for Oracle, so purchase cost isn't much of a factor.  I've been researching MySQL and it looks a bit limited (no stored procs yet, no scheduler/jobs/etc.), but the new version due out next year has a several of those features added (although I'm not sure *when* in 2005 it'll be available).

How difficult is it to switch to MySQL or Oracle from MS-SQL?  I realize there will be some conversion issues in any db migration (i.e., SQL language variations, datatype variations, etc.), but there appear to be tools available to assist with that.  I'm mostly concerned about the learning curve and how long it would take to come up to speed on a new db.

Does anyone have experience with such a migration, or experience with using more than one of these dbs?  Any info or advice would be most appreciated!



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