For what it's worth...

Anselm described it better.  There're two reasons something will launch in floating mode - and I chose the wrong one :)

Let's leave the flaming out of it.  There are much better IDEs than Eclipse.  There are much worse ones.  I knew there'd be flaming on the topic, I just didn't expect it as harsh from Anselm (maybe from Uriel.... no, certainly from Uriel :)... heck, his flames are half the reason I stay on the list!).  We were all beginners once.

On 8/8/06, Jeremy Maitin-Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kai Grossjohann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Steffen Liebergeld wrote:
>> On 8/8/06, Kai Grossjohann < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> When I start Eclipse, its main window floats.  Why?
>> My guess is that it requests to be float. Just check it with xprop.
> (I wouldn't know which part of the output of xprop tells me whether it
> requested to float.  But Bill explained that Eclipse sets its own
> geometry.)

Of course you have quite a few options to fix this; manually making it
non-floating is probably not the best:

1. change the eclipse source code
2. change the wmii source code
3. add something to your wmiirc program to make it non-floating when it

I don't have a copy of eclipse on hand, so I can't check the source
code, but note that if it has a splash screen, the main window may
become floating solely because the flash screen becomes floating, and
then if it is still open when the main window is mapped, the floating
area will be the selected area, and so the main window will become
floating.  (This would be a sort-of bug in wmii.)

Jeremy Maitin-Shepard

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