Can you possibly ditch the un-semantic pipe separators (|) and just
use border-right:1px solid #000; on the <li> elements? That would
probably help...


On 12/12/05, morten fjellman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi list.
> I'm trying to implement Eric Myers css code for pop-up text on hover, but
> are having difficulties making it work in IE (I have been successful before
> so I don't get this). On hover all the span tags that contain a seperator in
> the form of | to the right of the link are being moved a few pixels to the
> left. This does not happen in opera or Firefox for PC. In those two browsers
> it all works nicely. Also the hover text that are supposed to appear those
> not. Can someone check out the code and enlighten me?
> Page:
> CSS:
> Regards
> Morten Fjellman

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