I am using Wordpress to power my entire site (http://clwill.com), static

pages, integrated blog, everything, and it is hosted by 1and1.  It works



Just install WP locally on your LAMP setup, pick a theme that you like,

and start fiddling.  If you create "pages" in WP, they are static,

"posts" are part of the blog.  If your theme includes a "home.php"

that's the front page.  If you change your "header.php" and or

"footer.php" in your theme, you can change the look of the whole site.


To get an idea about how this works, just open up the theme files and

poke around.  It's really not that complicated, most themes consist of

only about a dozen files, all with very logical names (comment.php,

sidebar.php, etc.).  And PHP is not rocket science, you'll get the hang

of it in just a hour or so of poking around.  There are a bazillion WP

templates out there (check out http://themes.wordpress.net for a few

hundred...) from which to draw ideas.


Using WP as your CMS system to build your whole site is a really clean,

simple solution.  I'm a huge fan of the concept.  As for a local LAMP

setup, I am using XAMPP (as was suggested) and it works great.





-----Original Message-----

From: dwain

Subject: Re: [WSG] problem with 1 and 1 wordpress blog


> As far as incorporating the blog into your existing web site, why not


> other way around? Your web site seems to be mainly static html pages


> you could add as links into word press. I have not tried this myself

but I

> have seen other members on this mailing list who have used this



i think i like this idea.  i have thought about adding the menu links to

the blog, but i still have the static pages.  do you have any links to

tutorials or xhtml and css examples that i can have a look see under the

hood how i need to structure the page (code) to get the content and

presentation the way i want?

> Styles are in the admin screen -> Dashboard -> Presentation -> Theme


> You can make changes and save them there. I would suggest making


> copy of your blog to test changes on first, preferably local on your


> using apache friend's xampp (Apache/MySql/Php).


i'll have to set up a local lamp setup to test this on my system. 

thanks for the help and advise.


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