On 30 Oct 2007, at 16:01, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:

I recently spotted it in this article
http://www.regdeveloper.co.uk/2007/05/11/ silverlight_programming_q_and_a/

Quoting Keith Smith, product manager of the user experience platform and tools team at Microsoft covering Silverlight as well as WPF and tools like the new Expression Studio:

"The pattern we follow with Ajax is to make smart decisions on behalf of the designer and developer"

When Microsoft say that kind of thing, my heart grows heavy with trepidation... remember all the grief they've caused in the past with stuff like determining how to display content by using assorted heuristics rather than just obeying the Content-Type HTTP header? All inspired by the idea that MS know what you really meant, and can "make smart decisions on your behalf", presumably because you can't make them yourself.

I'm reminded of a blog comment I read earlier today by a chap called barbecuesteve concerning the just-announced null characters exploit:
This really illustrates my fundamental problem with Microsoft’s attitude.

“The data you have is not accurate. Here, let me fix it for you.”

As if Microsoft is the sole determiner of what constitutes accurate data and what doesn’t.
<http://blog.didierstevens.com/2007/10/23/ a000n0000-0000o000l00d00-0i000e000-00t0r0000i0000c000k/#comment-16560>


Nick Fitzsimons

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