Come to think of it likewise here on the counter, although graph situation not checked so not seen.

Alan G0TLK, sent from my mobile device
On 1 June 2020 16:31:36 Dave Bernheisel via wsjt-devel <> wrote:

I am using version 2.2.2-rc3 on windows 10 64 bit system.

I have noticed that the new counter for number of decodes does not reset
for each interval.  It appears to report the number of decodes during
the last interval for which there was a decode.  Following an interval
in which there were no decodes - no new entries in the  Band Activity
window, the counter continues to display the number of entries in the
last interval shown in the band activity window.

When monitoring a very quiet band - it appears that the counter is not
matching the 'No signals' present condition.  If the interval of
inactivity lasts longer than the height of the wide graph  display, it
appears to be an error.

Dave, N2DPF

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