Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 17, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


A group of activists held an emergency demonstration in Harlem on June
28 to demand no U.S. and British intervention in the internal affairs of
Zimbabwe, located in the heart of southern Africa. The protest, seen by
hundreds of Harlem residents, was organized by the December 12 Movement,
a long-time Brooklyn-based organization.

The march began at the Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building
and ended up in front of the Mount Olive Baptist Church, where New York
City Council member Charles Barron, Omawale Clay from the D12 Movement,
and Monica Moorehead from the International Action Center spoke at an
impromptu street meeting.

President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair have joined
forces to attempt to illegally oust the president of Zimbabwe, Robert
Mugabe. Mugabe has been supporting a grassroots campaign to restore
arable lands, stolen under colonialism, back to their rightful owners,
the Zimbabwean workers and peasants.

--by Johnnie Stevens

- END -

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