Thanks for the input Curt.I will keep plugging at it. I may try the
window manager idea and see if my ham stuff will work well with it. If
so KDE may hit the back burner for a while and that will really
confuse my kids when they ask to use my computer. HHHmmm that may be
part of the problem right there....

I purchased one of the cheepie USB sound dongles and that just really
added to the confusion. I was going to run my other digital stuff on
it and leave the on board audio for the desktop, but the USB thing did
really strange stuff when I booted up and I was not going to manually
insert it EVERY boot.

Thanks again. I don't think they really need me as a Digi here but I
know we have dead spots just southwest of me that I could help cover.
I will keep trying.


On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 2:54 PM, Curt, WE7U <> wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jan 2010, Tim Billingsley wrote:
>> A few moments ago I checked it and
>> I received one station a few miles from me and nothing else. Transmit
>> audio seems to work fine, but there is one other item that may help in
>> diagnosis. Almost every time I start xastir it will transmit once and
>> after that it stores every beacon/message/query until I stop the
>> interface and restart it. At that point everything transmits fine. The
>> receive is hit and miss at best. A couple of days ago I ran almost all
>> day with no glitches, today I have had no luck at all. I am about to
>> reboot again and see what it does.
> Most of the trouble I had with soundmodem had to do with something
> else whacking the receive levels.  Sometimes it was the desktop
> environment trying to do audio when it came up or some kind of audio
> alert, sometimes it was an audio or video player app.  By bringing
> up an audio volume control application I could get it working again.
> I mostly solved this problem by not running a Desktop Environment
> like KDE or Gnome, and running just a Window Manager instead.  Most
> people these days wouldn't go that route, but I'm a hard-core Unix
> user so I feel at home with this.  I run FVWM2 window manager.
> I don't know how to fix the soundcard order problem.  I haven't run
> a system with multiple soundcards yet but was planning to play with
> that in the future in order to isolate the video/audio/system sounds
> from the ham radio stuff.  Perhaps someone with a USB 2nd soundcard
> setup for their radios has solved these sorts of problems.
> --
> Curt, WE7U.                         <>
>   APRS:  Where it's at!                    <>
>  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
> Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
> The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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