On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 5:34 PM, Tommy Winther <to...@net-comm.dk> wrote:
> Ah yes, I actually already changed some of them, I though the range was
> up to 39999. Anyway, I updated the tag, so same pull as before:
> * addon: plugin.video.dr.dk.live
> * version: 3.0.3
> * url: git://github.com/xbmc-danish-addons/plugin.video.dr.dk.live.git
> * tag: v3.0.3
> * xbmc version: frodo



> Did you miss this one? I was in a different mail from Monday.
> * addon: plugin.video.borsentv.dk
> * version: 1.0.5
> * url: git://github.com/xbmc-danish-addons/plugin.video.borsentv.dk.git
> * tag: v1.0.5
> * xbmc version: frodo

Yes, I missed it because there was no [Git pull] in the subject :-)
So it wasn't tagged.

Updated now.


> Thanks,
> Tommy
> tir, 19 11 2013 kl. 22:52 +0100, skrev Benjamin Bertrand:
>> We missed it before, but you have several invalid string ids.
>> Plugins should use id from 30000 to 30999.
>> You have ids in the range 31001 to 31203 which are for skins and
>> scripts. It's not critical but would be nice to change them.
>> Ids 39970 to 39975 shall be changed.
>> On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 6:29 PM, Tommy Winther <to...@net-comm.dk> wrote:
>> > * addon: plugin.video.dr.dk.live
>> > * version: 3.0.3
>> > * url: git://github.com/xbmc-danish-addons/plugin.video.dr.dk.live.git
>> > * tag: v3.0.3
>> > * xbmc version: frodo
>> >
>> > Br.
>> > Tommy
>> >
>> >
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