Thanks Martijn,

It should (if I have it correct) put an error in the log, and then display an error on the screen saying to look in the log (I didn't want to dump loads of data to screen):

    # Method to update all of the required Confluence files
    def updateSkin(self):
        # Update the files one at a time

        # Now either print the complete message or the "check log" message
        if self.errorToLog:
xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(__addon__.getLocalizedString(32001), __addon__.getLocalizedString(32019), __addon__.getLocalizedString(32020))
xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(__addon__.getLocalizedString(32001), __addon__.getLocalizedString(32021), __addon__.getLocalizedString(32022))

It seemed OK when I did the testing with it, but I admit there could be issues I haven't spotted.



On 17/01/2016 17:30, Martijn Kaijser wrote:
Oh i'm not saying i'm rejecting it. Just that it's clear what it does. On brief look it also didn't popup a notification in case it failed to change the file.

Martijn Kaijser
XBMC Foundation

License and development:
KodiĀ® is a registered trademark of the XBMC Foundation. For further details you can visit The code is fully Open-Source and released under the GPLv2.0+ license and can be found at It includes many third-party libraries which use compatible licenses. Due to the inclusion of some GPLv3.0 libraries the entire application becomes GPLv3.0 as binary.

On 17 January 2016 at 18:28, Robert Hudson < <>> wrote:

    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for taking a look at the addon.  Yes the confluence update
    can only be done via the settings and the user has to deliberately
    decide that they want to do it.

    I did check the rules very carefully, and believe that I'm still
    within the rules detailed here:

    Where it says: "Access (read/write/delete) to other all other
    files/directories must be opt-in by the user, and be clear for the
    user to understand what is being accessed."

    It does prompt the user to make it clear.

    I agree it is not ideal - but the main reason for adding this
    (VideoExtras has something similar) is because there have been
    lots of cases in the past (With VideoExtras especially) where
    users try and do it manually and make a real mess of it - or
    really are not sure what they are doing. (This obviously results
    in lots of posts that are hard to diagnose!)

    When the file changes, it does make a backup of the old one for
    the user so it can be manually reverted.  If they uninstall the
    addon, then it will make the button disappear from the screen -
    and not actually cause any errors.  I understand that if things
    are write protected on their system, then it will prevent this
    update happening - but I think this is better than a lot of manual
    steps for users to try.

    I hope this sort of makes sense.

    I was hoping to put a Wiki together to describe the whole
    Suitability behavior in more detail - but will give some thought
    to making the user aware of what they are expected to input if
    they launch from Programs, I imagine 99% of users will do it
    direct from a given Movie.



    On 17/01/2016 16:15, Martijn Kaijser wrote:
    We have some severe concerns about the ability to change the skin
    file for confluence.
    1. Since Confluence is in system/addons it's write protected on
    most systems and requires root access or you simply can't at all
    2. After uninstalling the addon you are stuck with modified skin
    file without any easy way of getting back.

    The skin update part can only be triggered through settings correct?

    Some stuff i noticed when trying it is that when you run it from
    programs you get the keyboard but you already have to know that
    you need to enter a movie as there's no indication you should.

    Martijn Kaijser
    XBMC Foundation

    License and development:
    KodiĀ® is a registered trademark of the XBMC Foundation. For
    further details you can visit
    The code is fully Open-Source and released under the GPLv2.0+
    license and can be found at It
    includes many third-party libraries which use compatible
    licenses. Due to the inclusion of some GPLv3.0 libraries the
    entire application becomes GPLv3.0 as binary.

    On 12 January 2016 at 20:31, Robert Hudson <
    <>> wrote:

        Hi Martijn,

        Thought I'd catch you while you were doing the latest
        updates, please can you pull the latest version of this in
        when you come to do it:

        *revision: f16b28737d9a310e705a86b60f2d00f77249790c



        On 08/01/2016 13:05, Robert Hudson wrote:

        Please can you add the following new addon:

        *addon - script.suitability
        *version - 1.0.0
        *url -<>
        *revision - e96493be242bf47c3611f08880511a2a9385d541
        *branch - master
        *xbmc version - Isengard

        Forum page with description:



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