On Sun, Jul 04, 2010 at 10:37:56AM -0400, Mike Maxwell wrote:
> Ulrike Fischer wrote:
> >Put \XeTeXtracingfonts=1 in your document and call in on the command
> >line like this
> >xelatex --output-driver="xdvipdfmx -vv"  file.tex
> >
> >This should give you more informations about the fonts used by xetex
> >(in the log) and xdvipdfmx.
> OK, I've done that.  Unfortunately, it doesn't tell me much...  I
> get some msgs like
> ----------
> pdf_font>> Input encoding "Identity-H" requires at least 2 bytes.
> pdf_font>> The -m <00> option will be assumed for
> "/usr/share/fonts/bengali/lohit_bn.ttf".
> ---------
> But those msgs happen with both the working font (as above) and the
> non-working fonts.  With the non-working fonts, I also get:
> ---------
> ** WARNING ** Embedding of font
> "/groups/opt/share/fonts/Rupali_01-02-2007.ttf" disabled due to
> license restrictions

If the font didn't get embedded, it needs to be installed into viewer's
system, otherwise it'll be substituted by a generic font which explains
the bizarre Latin characters you see.

TTF fonts have a setting that control whether the font is allowed to be
embedded in the PDF or not, and this font seems to be set not to be
embedded. You either have to contact the foundry about this or use
another font (You can also edit the font yourself and remove the
restriction, but this might be illegal in your country.)


 Khaled Hosny
 Arabic localiser and member of Arabeyes.org team
 Free font developer

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