Am 19.1.2012 um 14:25 schrieb d fulano:

> Try adding SlantedFont= *  to the list. Also, use FakeSlant (not 
> AutoFakeSlant)

Thank you for your response, Don! Since I was sure that your example worked 
(and mine had not before), I checked my code. There was a bug in my preamble: I 
also used \setromanfont! Its simple setup destroyed my previous setting...

This simply works:

          \setmainfont[SlantedFont         = *,
                       SlantedFeatures     = {FakeSlant=0.194},
        %               BoldSlantedFeatures = {FakeSlant=0.388}
                       ]{The Font}

It also works, only for educational reasons, to uncomment the 
BoldSlantedFeatures line. But with this line commented none of the following 
lines works as with pdfTeX:

        \opening{\slshape Liebes \textbf{Katerchen},}
        % \opening{\slshape Liebes \bfseries Katerchen,}
        % \opening{\textsl{Liebes \textbf{Katerchen},}}
        % \opening{\textsl{Liebes \bfseries Katerchen},} 

All these lines only work when I also use the BoldSlantedFeatures line in the 



How many Microsoft engineers does it take to screw in a light-bulb?
They just redefine "dark" as the new standard.

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