On Mar 6, 2014, at 4:41 AM, Yves Gaudemer <gaude...@ipgp.fr> wrote:

> Thanks Herb for your suggestion and sorry for answering so late. I realise I 
> should have been more precise in the description of my problem. I used to 
> prepare my presentations at the university or at home, using iCloud to store 
> them while working on them. Then I would do my Keynote presentations in class 
> with an iPad mini or even an iPhone, for which Keynote is available. 
> Unfortunately, the list of available fonts both in iOS AND Mac OSX is very 
> limited and Chalboard SE seemed to be a « nice » handwriting font for me. I 
> thus wanted to use it also for roman math characters, like variables or 
> function names like cos or sin. That led me to use xelatex and after playing 
> for a while and asking for advice to various people, I put together the 
> preamble that seems clearly unorthodox to TeX specialists like you ou Axel 
> Kielhorn. It is clear that I will never be able to use XITS Math or Asana 
> Math on my Ipad or iPhone, if my presentations are in Keynote format. One 
> solution would be to export them to pdf before sending them to the iOS 
> devices. The other solution is to build my presentations on my iMac on which 
> LaTeXiT accepts my preamble. I’ll probably stick to the latter.
> Cheers, Yves


The commercial `Informal Math' font available for use with (pdf)latex can be 
obtained from MicroPress, 
<http://www.micropress-inc.com/fonts/ifmath/ifmain.htm>. It looks pretty nice 
with the Chalkboard font. I've used that combination for a lecture on Special 

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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