On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Leif Delgass wrote:

> I think it's more of a feature than a bug. ;)  Based on your X log in the
> bugzilla bug, your laptop has a Rage Mobility mach64 chip.  Display
> switching via the BIOS (with the X server's VT active) was disabled for
> mach64s with dual-CRTCs in XFree86

> http://cvsweb.xfree86.org/cvsweb/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/atil
> ock.c.diff?r1=1.14&r2=1.15&f=h

> (#105 in the CHANGELOG)

> My guess is that allowing BIOS-initiated display switches with the X
> server active could cause problems because the driver's cached register
> state might not be valid after the display switch.  For example, if you
> switch from the LCD to the CRT, the driver would continue to program the
> card as if the LCD were still active, when in fact the BIOS has changed
> the card's state out from under the driver.

> In the revision above, the feature bit for display switching is re-enabled
> when switching away to a text console VT (assuming it was enabled in the
> BIOS at server startup), which is why the display switching works there,
> but the driver disables the feature bit and restores its cached state when
> switching back to the X server.

That's all correct.  The central issue is that the driver is not notified
when the hot-keys are pressed.  In fact, these keys don't even generate a
scancode.  Eventually, atimisc will provide its own key combinations to
switch outputs under driver control.  In the meantime, the laptop's
outputs should be set up as needed before starting the X server.


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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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