Can you send a log from /var/log/XFree86.0.log and
a sample movie to test xawtv with that shows the problem.


On Fri, Dec 26, 2003 at 04:07:45PM +0100, en ne wrote:
> Dear Alan/XFree,
> I have the same problem with the last Xfree.
> I have the feeling that the problem happens more and
> more often with newer versions (before it was very
> seldom). I had it again (this time pinkish screen),
> this time I had just to restart X.
> I also noticed that after the movie "messed up" the
> graphic card, also the window of xawtv with a webcam
> as
> an input was greenish (if this can be of any help).
> What should I do now?
> Thanks
> On Tue, Dec 23, 2003 at 08:31:48PM +0100, en ne wrote:
> > I still have problems with my cyberblade and
> > greenish/reddish screens when
> > -having splashing screens
> > -playing avi files (mplayer/xine).
> > 
> > Most of the times it works, then something happens
> and
> > you get a green screen when playing an avi.
> Sometimes
> > you are lucky and if you use different progs or try
> to
> > play other avi files the problem disappears. Other
> > times there is no way of recovering and you have to
> > poweroff (restart X never helps).
> > In between you can play other things, say vcds.
> > 
> > I tried to understand if there is a possible
> > workaround, but no clue. Have experienced this with
> > all the distros I tried (mdk/rh/fedora/suse).
> > 
> > Any help?
> > Should I give up hope or will this problem be fixed
> in
> > the future?? I have the feeling that this problem is
> a
> > bug of the later versions of X.
> Try the latest XFree86 CVS and re-report if you have
> furthur problems.
> Alan.
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