I'm using XF4.2+Rage128 with problems as well.
I also am happy to see xawtv+DRI work!

I think I had some Xv problems before switching to
the current CVS, but I had bigger problems.
Text video consoles became inaccessible frequently,
and occasional 2D acceleration bugs, usually when
moving a long scrollbar. The 2D bugs
used to lockup X (KB+mouse dead). I also got
random hangs when closing a window, but then CPU
use goes to 100% and pointer is alive, so it's
a different problem.

I did another CVS update two days ago and recompiled.
There are now no more lockups,
but VT text terminals still die frequently,
and 2D drawing bugs still happen.

Maybe this is related to your drawing bugs.
DO you see this in your logs when DRI is enabled?
[drm:r128_cce_indirect] *ERROR* process 2865 using buffer owned by 0

Do you ever lose the VT text consoles?

Joe Krahn
Gustavo Homem wrote:
> Sorry, the first time I sent this message I wasn't subscribed so I guess it
> didn't arrive.
> Thanks
> Gustavo
> ---------------------------
> Hello everyone:
> I am having serious trouble with XFree. I have a rage 128 video card. I was
> using XFree 4.1 from mdk 8.1 and the Xv extension was malfunctioning for DVDs
> (was ok for other movies). It would eat too much CPU so a lot of frames were
> dropped (tested with xine, vlc and mplayer), for example xine would take
> around 45  % and the X server about  45% using Xv output.
> I upgraded to XFree 4.2 rpms from mandrake in hope to have this problem
> solved since it was working perfectly on XFree 4.03 from mdk 8.0.
> X complained then about drm modules beiing old, so I downloaded the latest
> one from dri.sf.net , compiled and instaled the module at /lib/modules/ ....
> The result was as follows with dri enabled:
> 1 - Now bttv no longer freezes the system if used with dri enabled (hooray)
> 2 - The KDM login screen is completely messed (widgets are garbaged, not
> drawn properly)
> 3 - This is the weird part: Xv is messed, the colors don't match the real
> ones, they are completely changed and there is an horizontal strip with a
> diferent color variation with xine and a lot of garbage with mplayer, X
> freezes a short time after switching to and from  fullscreen (except for the
> mouse). Strangely during the time before X freezes  there are no framedrops
> but they come back with dri disabled.
> What is exactly the relation of Xvideo and dri ? I never needed to have dri
> enabled to have smooth XVideo before (it wasn't even available at first), my
> computer has played DVDs with Xvideo since the first xine versions with gatos
> drivers. Did this change with XFree 4.1 ? I also  don't know what is causing
> the 1,2,3 problems and I'd be glad if someone  could help.
> Thanks a lot
> Gustavo Homem
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