On Fri, 22 Feb 2002, [big5] Kevin Huang wrote:

> Ur explanation is very clear. YES, the StopVideo in Xv library can be called by
> Xserver without AP's request.
> I have a DVD player AP which will use PutImage function in Xv library to
> display the video. When I use our own graphic card & driver, in fact, Xserver
> will call StopVideo in my driver not only when I destroy the window but also
> moving or cliping the window. If I remove the flag VIDEO_OVERLAID_IMAGES in my
> driver, Xserver will never call StopVideo even though I destroy the window.

   Those both are the expected behavior.

> In ATI's driver, it also set VIDEO_OVERLAID_IMAGES flag. But I move or clip the
> video window, Xserver never call StopVideo in ATI's driver. It is only called
> when the window is destroy.

    I don't understand that.  That shouldn't be the case, at least not
of the driver that's in the XFree86 tree.

> My purpose is to eliminate the flicker state when moving the video window. Coz
> in StopVideo function, we turn off video H/W engine; in PutImage function, we
> turn on video H/W engine, the same does ATI.

   Not in the driver I'm looking at.  The R128 driver sets a timer and
turns it off later.


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