On Sat, 25 May 2002, Pranay Kumar wrote:
> I would love to... but unfortunately I cant make a head or tail from
> this page..
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 5:32 PM
> you should get yourself the atitvout package. from 
> www.stud.uni-hamburg.de/users/ lennart/projects/atitvout/  and give it a

Quick summary:
Extract & compile it (just run make).
Probably best to boot with the TV lead disconnected, and only connect it
immediately before trying the detect line.

Then as root: (quick interpretation of the help/readme.)
./atitvout detect # should list connected displays
./atitvout lt     # should enable Lcd and Tv out (if it works)
./atitvout l      # should enable the Lcd.

Note the warning in the readme; you may not be able to have TV out enabled
at the same time as the LCD.

Of course, read the readme file, and look at the help (./atitvout help).

Start with text-mode (i.e. no X), to check the utility works; you should
be able to connect/disconnect the TV lead and see different results from
detect. You should be able to enable/disable the TV-out, and then try it
with X. Good luck.

You could probably look at the archives of the mailing lists at

My website: http://www.iain.thomas.dial.pipex.com/

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