Ok, thanks.

One last question: Is there a way to provide the specifications for the 
external monitor? This is for the case when I bring up X on the laptop 
without an external monitor connected but want to connect to the monitor 
at a later time? It would be a pain to bring down X just for that purpose.

hy0 wrote:
>>I compiled a fresh XFree distribution and moved the drm kernel driver
>>radeon.o and agpgart.o away from the kernel-module search paths. Now I
>>am getting exactly what I want on both the CRT and the LCD. The CRT has
>>a refresh rate of 75 Hz....where its usable :-)
>>However! DRI isnt working. Relevant lines from XFree86.0.log (the whole
>>file is at http://www.senfamily.org/xfree/XFree86.0.log_20020711 ):
>>[drm] failed to load kernel module "radeon"
>>(II) RADEON(0): [drm] drmOpen failed
>>(EE) RADEON(0): [dri] DRIScreenInit failed.  Disabling DRI.
>>If I cant use the radeon.o from the kernel, where can I compile one
>>from? Its not obvious where in the Xfree tree it is. 'make World' under
>>xc didnt seem to produce one.
> DRI didn't work because you don't have the kernel driver (radeon.o) on your
> system. To compile DRI kernel driver, go to
> xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support/linux/drm/kernel directory, do
> 'make -fMakefile.linux'. You may have compile problem if you are using some
> new version of kernel. If so, you can download a version of Linux kernel
> (like 2.4.18) from www.kernel.org which should contain the standard DRI
> kernel driver (not Gatos one).
>>Also, how about AGP? Should I be using:
>>  "Option     "AGPMode" "1"
>>in the device section? Do I need agpgart.o from the kernel for AGP
> support?
> You don't have to specify AGPMode, the default is 1x. You can use this
> option to set 2x or 4x mode.
> You do need agpgart module for DRI to work, the best way is to compile it
> into the kernel. If you want to use it as a separate module, make sure to
> load agpgart.o before radeon.o.
>>Last but not the least, where can I get the source for the ati_drv and
>>radeon_drv modules that you sent me?
> I sent two patches to xfree a few months ago, the first is in current CVS,
> not sure if the second got in yet (the patches are too big, they may take
> quite a bit time to merge). Anyway, those patches are not quite complete. At
> present I really don't have much free time to sync with current CVS and make
> another patch. I'm thinking, maybe a little latter, I'll put everything
> together with the 2D support for all the new cards on my systems and make a
> patch to the CVS code. Before then, if you want the code, I can send you the
> source with no new card support.
>>Thanks VERY much!

D. Sen, PhD
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