Yesterday, I threw together some ideas for a quick and dirty extension
of the XUpdate language that would provide support for relational
queries against multiple collections.  It would be a easy to use,
relatively easy to implement alternative to XQuery, which becomes more
of a monstrosity every time I look at it.

Like I said, I threw it together quickly, so it's nowhere close to
usable.  I'd very much like feedback for refining it more. 

The file XSelect.txt is attached.


Tom Bradford  The dbXML Group, L.L.C.
Desktop, Laptop, Settop, Palmtop.  Can your XML database do that?
XSelect is a selection extension for the XUpdate language.  It
can be used to either pre-select a set of nodes to be processed,
or to retrieve natural and synthetic nodelists.

Namespaces:  xupdate=

Element: xupdate:select
   Selection container

   Contains:   (parameter|variable|namespace)*,nodelist?

Element: xupdate:variable
   Variable definition.  Value is immutable within scope, but can
   be shadowed by redefinition in nested scope.
   Attributes: name - The variable name
               dbxml:col - (Optional) collection name
               select - (Optional) XPath value selector
   Text Value: (Optional) the variable value

Element: xupdate:parameter
   Same scoping rules as a variable, but the value *must* be
   provided by an external context.  Allows for the storage and
   execution of parameterized queries.  Also, a parameter
   element can only be inserted as an immediate child of a
   select element.
   Attributes: name - The variable name

Element: xupdate:namespace
   Defines a namespace, and optionally associates it with
   a prefix.
   Attributes: prefix - (Optional) namespace prefix
               uri - Namespace URI

Element: xupdate:nodelist
   Defines the nodelist that will be returned from this
   selection container.

   Attributes: dbxml:col - (Optional) collection name
               select - (Optional) XPath value selector
               // Nodelist Filters
               attributes - Whether to include attributes (yes)
               elements - Whether to include elements
               comments - whether to include comments
               text - Whether to include text
               pi - Whether to include processor instructions
               children - Whether to include any children
                          (This does not include attributes)
   Contains:   (variable|namespace|nodelist|element|comment)*

Element: xupdate:foreach
   Processes (links) a set of nodes based on an optional
   Attributes: select - (Optional) XPath node selector
               action - (Optional) The action to take

   Contains:   (variable|namespace|nodelist|element|comment)*

<x:select xmlns:x="";
   <x:parameter name="id">12345</x:parameter>
   <x:nodelist d:col="/db/invoices"
               select="/[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
      <x:foreach select="products/product" action="replace">
          <x:variable name="id"
          <x:nodelist d:col="/db/products"
                      select="/[EMAIL PROTECTED]" />

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