Hi, Richard

Thanks for the detailed design guide. I will sync up with Jessica and redo the 

And thanks for advice of the namedtuple usage. During the implementation,
we did tried several ways of inheritance refactory, but all failed with 
nametuple static attributes.
And when trying to change it to dict, I found too much code need to be 
modified, and I was very upset and gave up...

I am now basically clear about your comments. If meeting detailed problem when 
implementation, I will let you know.

And Jessica, so could you make some schedule adjustment? I guess I need some 
time to finish this refactory.

Thanks& Regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Purdie [mailto:richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org]
> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 8:10 AM
> To: Ke, Liping
> Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
> Subject: Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/4][Image Creator]Put extra requested fields into
> different cache files
> Hi Liping,
> On Fri, 2011-05-13 at 09:50 +0800, Liping Ke wrote:
> > From: Liping Ke <liping...@intel.com>
> >
> > Below four patches are for putting extra requested fields inito different
> > cache files instead of using only on bb_cache.dat. Now image creator need
> > extra three fields. And in the future, there might be more similar requests.
> > For each extra requestor, we will save the requested fields data into a
> > separate cache files so that those who don't need it will not be impacted
> > with larger fields and large data files.
> >
> > Pull URL: git://git.pokylinux.org/poky-contrib.git
> >   Branch: lke/cache_impl
> >   Browse:
> http://git.pokylinux.org/cgit.cgi/poky-contrib/log/?h=lke/cache_impl
> >
> > Thanks,
> >     Liping Ke <liping...@intel.com>
> > ---
> >
> >
> > Liping Ke (4):
> >   This patch introduce new param bitbake_mode into Cache.py.
> >   This patch splits Cache Data Retrieve method from Data Fields.
> >   This patch introduces Extra required fields for image creator.
> >   This patch implements independent cache for Extra Cache Fields
> >     Request
> These patches are good and the feedback and explanation here is to
> illustrate the bigger picture rather than any criticism of these
> patches. I'm hoping to explain the alterations I think this codebase
> needs in order to allow bitbake to expand and grow which is our main
> objective.
> From an overall design standpoint, the place I want to get to is where
> we can arbitrarily extend and add bitbake UIs without needing to alter
> the core cache code or functionality. To do this we need a clean split
> between the cache handling code and the data contained within it. I know
> Chris has made changes here moving us toward that but we need to
> complete them and remove the detail which I know bugs both Chris and
> myself which is that the data is referenced in two places within this
> code (RecipeInfo and CacheData).
> The place I want to get to is therefore where we have something like an
> overall set of cache definitions as classes like:
> BaseRecipeInfo
> HobRecipeInfo
> NewUIRecipeInfo
> and each would have a name which would trigger their use (e.g. "base",
> "hob" and "newui") through the extracaches variable as in your code.
> Your code actually follows the model we need to adopt but I'd make the
> following name changes:
> RecipeInfo -> BaseRecipeInfo
> RecipeRetrieve -> RecipeInfo
> HobExtraRecipeInfo -> HobRecipeInfo
> RecipeInfo would be a base class which BaseRecipeInfo, HobRecipeInfo and
> NewUIRecipeInfo would derive from. The definition would be something
> like the existing RecipeInfo but there would be some entries in the
> class that any user would be expected to provide. I tried to provide an
> example of this and I ran into issues due to the use of namedtuple. I've
> talked to Chris and if that usage is going to hold us from cleaning some
> of this up, we agreed that we could use something else like a dict. The
> trouble is the field list of named tuple needs to be determined in
> advance of the class creation where as we need something we can change
> within the class itself easily.
> RecipeInfo would look something like:
> class RecipeInfo(object):
>     name = "Override me!"
>     cachefile = "bb_extracache_" + self.name + ".dat"
>     @classmethod
>     def listvar(cls, var, metadata):
>         return cls.getvar(var, metadata).split()
>     @classmethod
>     def intvar(cls, var, metadata):
>         return int(cls.getvar(var, metadata) or 0)
>     @classmethod
>     def depvar(cls, var, metadata):
>         return bb.utils.explode_deps(cls.getvar(var, metadata))
>     @classmethod
>     def pkgvar(cls, var, packages, metadata):
>         return dict((pkg, cls.depvar("%s_%s" % (var, pkg), metadata))
>                     for pkg in packages)
>     @classmethod
>     def taskvar(cls, var, tasks, metadata):
>         return dict((task, cls.getvar("%s_task-%s" % (var, task), metadata))
>                     for task in tasks)
>     @classmethod
>     def flaglist(cls, flag, varlist, metadata):
>         return dict((var, metadata.getVarFlag(var, flag, True))
>                     for var in varlist)
> BaseRecipeInfo would look something like:
> class BaseRecipeInfo(RecipeInfo):
>     name = "base"
>     cachefile = "bb_cache.dat"
>     @classmethod
>     def cachedata_init(cls, cachedata):
>         cachedata.task_deps = {}
>         cachedata.pkg_pn = defaultdict(list)
>         cachedata.pkg_fn = {}
>         cachedata.pkg_pepvpr = {}
>         cachedata.pkg_dp = {}
>         [...]
>     def __init__(self, filename, metadata):
>         self.file_depends = metadata.getVar('__depends', False)
>         self.timestamp    = bb.parse.cached_mtime(filename)
>         self.variants     = self.listvar('__VARIANTS', metadata) + ['']
>         self.nocache      = self.getvar('__BB_DONT_CACHE', metadata)
>         if self.getvar('__SKIPPED', metadata):
>             self.skipped = True
>             return
>         self.tasks = metadata.getVar('__BBTASKS', False)
>         self.pn = self.getvar('PN', metadata)
>         packages = self.listvar('PACKAGES', metadata)
>         if not self.pn in packages:
>             packages.append(self.pn)
>         self.basetaskhashes   = self.taskvar('BB_BASEHASH', self.tasks,
> metadata)
>         self.hashfilename     = self.getvar('BB_HASHFILENAME',
> metadata)
>         self.file_depends     = metadata.getVar('__depends', False)
>         self.task_deps        = metadata.getVar('_task_deps', False) or
> {'tasks': [], 'parents': {}}
>         self.variants         = self.listvar('__VARIANTS', metadata) + ['']
>         self.skipped          = False
>         self.timestamp        = bb.parse.cached_mtime(filename)
>         self.packages         = self.listvar('PACKAGES', metadata)
>         self.pe               = self.getvar('PE', metadata)
>         self.pv               = self.getvar('PV', metadata)
>         self.pr               = self.getvar('PR', metadata)
>         self.defaultpref      = self.intvar('DEFAULT_PREFERENCE',
> metadata)
>         self.broken           = self.getvar('BROKEN', metadata)
>         self.not_world        = self.getvar('EXCLUDE_FROM_WORLD',
> metadata)
>         self.stamp            = self.getvar('STAMP', metadata)
>         self.stamp_extrainfo  = self.flaglist('stamp-extra-info', self.tasks,
> metadata)
>         self.packages_dynamic = self.listvar('PACKAGES_DYNAMIC',
> metadata)
>         self.depends          = self.depvar('DEPENDS', metadata)
>         self.provides         = self.depvar('PROVIDES', metadata)
>         self.rdepends         = self.depvar('RDEPENDS', metadata)
>         self.rprovides        = self.depvar('RPROVIDES', metadata)
>         self.rrecommends      = self.depvar('RRECOMMENDS', metadata)
>         self.rprovides_pkg    = self.pkgvar('RPROVIDES', packages,
> metadata)
>         self.rdepends_pkg     = self.pkgvar('RDEPENDS', packages,
> metadata)
>         self.rrecommends_pkg  = self.pkgvar('RRECOMMENDS', packages,
> metadata)
>         self.inherits         = self.getvar('__inherit_cache', metadata)
>         self.summary          = self.getvar('SUMMARY', metadata)
>         self.license          = self.getvar('LICENSE', metadata)
>         self.section          = self.getvar('SECTION', metadata)
>         self.fakerootenv      = self.getvar('FAKEROOTENV', metadata)
>         self.fakerootdirs     = self.getvar('FAKEROOTDIRS', metadata)
>     def add_cachedata(self, cachedata, fn):
>         cachedata.task_deps[fn] = self.task_deps
>         cachedata.pkg_fn[fn] = self.pn
>         cachedata.pkg_pn[self.pn].append(fn)
>         cachedata.pkg_pepvpr[fn] = (self.pe, self.pv, self.pr)
>         [...]
> HobRecipeInfo would be similar but with its specific field requirements.
> Once we've made this split, the code that handles the caches can become
> simpler. In each place RecipeInfo is used, we can turn it into an
> iterator which iterates over a list of caches. In the default case this
> list would just be one (BaseRecipeInfo). With Hob enabled it would be
> two (BaseRecipeInfo and HobRecipeInfo). It would equally handle ten
> different entries, it would just iterate over them. We'd always require
> the BaseRecipeInfo to be present in this list.
> In CacheData, we'd take the list of caches and call into the
> cachedata_init() and add_cachedata() hooks. We'd need a namespace
> convention to ensure that whilst they write to the same CacheData object
> there is a prefix to ensure the data is contained.
> How do we turn a list of names of caches passed as extracaches into a
> list of objects? We can use code like in runqueue.py for handling the
> schedulers:
>         schedulers = set(obj for obj in globals().values()
>                              if type(obj) is type and
>                                 issubclass(obj, RunQueueScheduler))
> so by checking for anything subclassing RecipeInfo we'd have a list of
> cache classes to choose from.
> Liping: Does this make sense? Is there anything I need to clarify? Do
> you want to work on this further from here or do you want me to take
> this further?
> Cheers,
> Richard

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