the development of meta-kde has come to a point where kde-applications
can be tested (and maybe used).

Status of meta-kde:
Most common applications work, for example:
Calligra (not all of the toolkit), Kate, KCalc, Konqueror, Kwin &
Kwin_gles (KDE window manager), Okular and the applications from

Plasma Active (and Desktop) do not work correctly, but I'm working on it.
Plasma Netbook seems to work, but it needs more testing.

Involving the community:
As the development of meta-kde advanced to a point where developers
can use the layer to port KDE applications.
I'd like to invite others to test the layer, port their favorite KDE
applications and express their opinions about the current status.
Feel free to ask questions and suggest applications to be ported.

meta-kde has no mailing list, so I'm looking for a list to host the
discussion, any suggestions?

Current issues with Poky:
The giflib recipe is not contained in Poky.
Is this based on a design decision, or just because no one needs it?

As a meta-kde developer I don't want to limit the testing of meta-kde.
Would it be feasible to add giflib to Poky?
In this case I'm welcoming your suggestions.

According to Robert Yang this is the only dependency missing in Poky.
If there will be more missing dependencies in the future. adding a
meta-kde-poky compatibility layer would be a better solution.

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