On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 9:15 AM, jfabernathy <jfaberna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Over the past 6 months, I've learned a lot about what I should do to work
> with Yocto successfully, However, the area of biggest confusion for me is
> what to do when I want to rebuild something.
> I generally work from Master repository and when I see significant changes
> while doing git pull, I try to rebuild one of my projects.  I've tried a lot
> of the methods:
> 1.  just bitbake again.
> 2.  bitbake -c cleanall or -c cleansstate core-image-sato
> 3.  If I know a recipe has changed, I'll bitbake -c cleansstate "recipe
> name"
> Most of the time something fails.  Researching what, is an impossibility to
> me and much quicker to just delete the build directory and redo it.
> Is there a good "how to" rebuild?  Or is it the best use of time to just
> tell users to blow away the build dir. and restart, saving the old
> local.conf and bblayer.conf?


How does it fail? Which recipe in particular are you working with?

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