Hi all - looks like it has been a busy morning while I wasn't looking!

I was the last one to touch the FAQ on the wiki, and I can attest that
its goal is not to be an end-all be-all technical FAQ, of the how-do-I
variety or any other. It should have more correct language in it, to
which I will attend directly.

We DO have an interactive technical FAQ planned along with a full
upgrade on the website sometime in August. Meanwhile, we can certainly
use that FAQ for some actual questions that come up frequently, like
adding a package. I can add that immediately, and will point toward
Robert's FAQ page as well.

Koen quoth:
>         'Do you mean "yocto" or do you mean "poky"?'.
> The reaction to that can go a few ways and the follow up actions I recommend:
> 1) People don't get the question and/or don't know the difference between 
> 'yocto' and 'poky'. Pretend you have a nosebleed and walk away, fast
> 2) People say "Right, I meant the buildsystem, not the umbrella project" or 
> "No, I really meant 'yocto' as the umbrella project". Continue the 
> conversation.
> 3) People say "Koen put you up to this, didn't he?". You're most likely 
> talking to Dave or Saul, buy them lunch :)


Jeff Osier-Mixon http://jefro.net/blog
Yocto Project Community Manager @Intel http://yoctoproject.org
yocto mailing list

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