
On Jun 30, 2012, at 10:17 AM, Elvis Dowson wrote:

> About a week ago, my linux-xilinx builds used to correctly generate the *.dtb 
> files, required for the PowerPC440 processor on my Xilinx ML-507 development 
> board. After having recently updated poky, I find that the required *.dtb 
> files are not generated anymore.
> Would someone be able to tell me which file I should take a look at to 
> restore this functionality?
> My build configuration is as follows:
> Build Configuration:
> BB_VERSION        = "1.15.2"
> TARGET_ARCH       = "powerpc"
> TARGET_OS         = "linux"
> MACHINE           = "virtex5"
> DISTRO            = "poky"
> DISTRO_VERSION    = "1.2+snapshot-20120630"
> TUNE_FEATURES     = "m32 fpu-soft ppc440"
> TARGET_FPU        = "soft"
> meta              
> meta-yocto        = "master:4d48398798c898c5db08294ba64d9bfc7daca19c"
> meta-oe           = "master:3eb5f6eecf6faf7b2701f94b12cf779350d31acc"
> meta-xilinx       = "master:c977270d6f0608cc5fa83f57254202713af37be0"

I traced the reason for the dtb file not build due to the following commit:


Should I specify DTS_FILE in order to get my recipe to build the *.dtb?

Best regards,

Elvis Dowson
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